Aurora Theatre Company’s Community Partners program connects each of our productions to a partner organization, grounding Aurora into the life, work, and culture of our community. Aurora’s artists learn from our partners about the cultural and historical context of the stories we tell, and in return we offer access to Aurora’s process, spaces, audience, and resources. By sharing resources between Aurora Theatre Company and our partner organizations, we build lasting relationships that further our mission and yours while strengthening our community in Berkeley, the East Bay, and the Bay Area. 


Each partnership is customized to support the needs of your organization. 

Basic Partnership includes:

  • Ads and information about your organization in our digital playbill, our website, our eblasts, our social media, and on a poster in our lobby.
  • A special discount code for our play that includes $5 for every ticket sold with that code going to your organization.
  • A shared Community Night event in conjunction with a performance of our play, including a pre-show reception and post-show discussion.
  • Invitation to attend the first rehearsal, the final dress rehearsal, and opening night of our play.
  • An ongoing relationship with continued opportunities for connection and mutual support into the future.

Additional partnership opportunities include:

  • Connecting our artists to you to discuss the play, its themes, and your areas of expertise and cultural competency to ensure our production is authentic, respectful, and inclusive.
  • Your organization’s use of our space for events or meetings.
  • Workshops, talks, or discussions with Aurora artists for your organization.
  • A display in our lobby featuring artwork or information connected to your organization.
  • Continued cross-promotion between Aurora and your organization.
  • …and many more. What would be useful for your organization?


Contact Aurora Artistic Director Josh Costello at for more information and to discuss a Community Partnership!


2024-2025 season community partners



 For The Heart Sellers, Aurora is thrilled to partner with API Legal Outreach.

Established in 1975, API Legal Outreach provides legal representation and social services, training and technical support, and community education and outreach. Our mission is to provide holistic, culturally competent and linguistically appropriate services to ensure social justice for the most marginalized segments of the community.

We provide accessible services throughout the Bay Area in areas including immigration, domestic violence/family law, anti-human trafficking, consumer finance, elder abuse, disability rights, public benefits, housing, anti-API hate violence, and youth violence prevention. |




Dorothy Day House

 For The Search for Signs of Intelligent Life in the Universe, Aurora is thrilled to partner with Dorothy Day House.

Dorothy Day House is a volunteer and donor driven 501(c)3 non-profit organization providing shelter, services and resources to our unhoused Berkeley neighbors to facilitate ending homelessness in our community. For 30+ years, Dorothy day House has supported people experiencing homelessness in Berkeley, California. Learn more at